

We aim for children to leave St Vincent’s with a well-rounded knowledge of key historical periods, events and figures. We aim to ensure that children have become critical and compassionate thinkers who can examine various sources of evidence and reach well-informed conclusions through debate, research and investigation. The impact of History at St Vincent’s is measured by a variety of means. Current knowledge is explored, built upon and evaluated at the end of each topic, alongside regular review points within each topic being taught. Links between historical topics taught across the curriculum are regularly reviewed and used as opportunities for comparison to consolidate and deepen knowledge. Pupil voice and book looks also help support our ongoing analysis of the impact being made through our teaching of History, ensuring that children have a broad knowledge of key historical periods that have been significant in leading to the world that they live in today.


“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”
Martin Luther King Jr.


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