Celebration of the Word

Each week, a class or group of children lead a Celebration of the Word session with their peers or the whole school. We choose a different group or class each week with the intention to give every child the opportunity to lead the Celebration of the Word over the term.

Children are attentive to the voice of God and thus reflect on the readings of the Gospel. Through prayer, they engage in communication with God. They are also given opportunities to reflect and rest, simply being conscious in the presence of God. `

Children choose their own Gospel readings to suit their chosen topic. They work in small groups to write their own prayers. Their themes are linked to the liturgical calendar, their class key figures, Catholic Social teaching principles or any other topic they choose.

The sessions are structured following Cafod’s guide:

We gather

• Set up your prayer focus for the Celebration of the Word:

o display the bible and a cross – use a Romero cross if you have one

o display a photo to go with focus of your collective worship

o light a candle

• Start with the sign of the cross

The children enjoy preparing their focal areas. Here are some examples:


We listen

• Choose a bible reading


We respond

• Choose one or two ways to respond to the bible reading


Going forth

• Choose one or two ways to go forth and share the Good News.

o Tell others about the story you have heard

o Take action and speak for global justice

o Choose a phrase from the Gospel to affect your life



Event Start time End time
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